Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

Well, this was our first Easter in St. George. It was fun, but different. It was the first time ever that the Easter Bunny hid the eggs outside. It has never been warm enough, but here, we still had 6 or 8 eggs left to find that the bunny hid to hard, and we had to go to church, when we got home, Sam ran outside to try to find the rest of them and the one and only one anybody found……. The chocolate was all melted. Yes!!!!!! It was so warm out that chocolates were melting!!! The kids had fun looking through their baskets, I don't think they ever get to old for one of those, but that darn Easter Bunny put FLARP in the 3 little kids baskets!!!! Anyone who knows what flarp is, it can be extremely annoying!!!!! The kids however find it very humorous!!!!!!!
We had a great steak dinner and watched a church Easter movie so we could remind the kids of why we really celebrate Easter time. I was very impressed by how much Burkley could tell us about this subject. I guess he pays attention in primary!!!!!
We missed Grandma Jill’s Easter egg party she always does and seeing Grandpa and Grandma Great, Aunt Laurie and Uncle Gary, Brant and Ashley and their cutest kids!!!!! It was always so much fun seeing them and finding eggs with them!!!! Grandma Jill always made the egg hunt fun and always hid Aspen’s eggs to hard, Grandma always had to tell him where his were. He could never find them. (maybe he was just to lazy or too cool to find them?)
We missed Grandpa Allen and Grandma Cheri’s yearly Easter party. It was a fun time that we always got to see all of Lanse’s brother’s and sister’s and all the cousins. Grandpa Allen always made an amazing dinner for us to feast on, and Grandma, Amber and Monica always did a great job on the egg hunt!
Lanse and Sam did go up north and see his family for just a 24 hour trip. Lanse’s Grandma Bennett passed away and he attended her funeral on Saturday. He loved being able to see all of his siblings, and his parents. It was a very sad time for them all, but it was a special time for Lanse and he was so grateful for the opportunity that he was given to speak at the funeral.
Hope everyone have a Happy Easter!!! Love to all!!!!
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